Value-Based Approach: An Evaluation Tool of Knowledge and Network Spillovers, 2016-2018

Between 2016 and 2018, we conducted a research Value-Based Approach: an evaluation tool of knowledge and network spillovers (Klamer, Petrova, Kiss) applied to the Rotterdam Unlimited Festival in the Netherlands.  explored the ways in which the engagement with arts and culture facilitate new types of social interactions.

In summary, the research proves that an event as a Rotterdam Unlimited Festival, next to its cultural and artistic impact can reach very strong social impact. A wide variety of stakeholders, including visitors, professionals in the cultural sector, politicians and festival employees, committee and board members reported that they positively experience a sense of belonging and connectedness while enjoying a rich and diverse artistic programme. Specifically, all stakeholders agreed that the greatest impact is realised in terms of connectedness among people from different cultures, social backgrounds and generations.

The research was selected and financially supported by the through a public tender.

The European Research Partnership on Cultural and Creative Spillovers.